Angel Society


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What is the Angel Society?

An organization composed of V-Chat users who have volunteered to help people in V-Chat.



To provide online help to V-Chat users. Many users have questions about how to use V-Chat or the Avatar Wizard. That is why the Angel Society exists. Angels are there to answer questions. When you see the Angel Society Avatar in V-Chat Help and Lobby rooms then you know the person is an Angel Society member and is there to help you.



Where do I find Angel Society Angels?

Angels can be found in Help and Lobby on V-Chat 2.0 for the Internet. If you don't already have V-Chat 2.0 you can dowload it now by clicking below.

V-Chat 2.0


How can I become a member of the Angel Society? *


* All Angel Society members have been selected.
All requests will be given consideration as more Angels may be needed in the future.

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